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Unlock the Power of your Inner Child and Parts to Manifest your Dream Life

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Unlock the power of your inner child and parts to manifest your dream life

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“As someone who's been on a healing path for a decade now, I was blown away by the incredible insight I was expertly guided to with Andrea. I can 10/10 recommend.” – Sarah

Book your session with Andrea
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Babe, I wish I had known this 10 years ago, 

There's ONE important element in creating healing and transformation in every part of your life that actually lasts…

First, let me tell you a story...

Ten years ago, I was in a teaching career that was good, and I was good at it. From the outside, everything looked fine. I was doing what I thought I should be doing—what I had been trained to do. But the truth was, my best years were behind me. What once felt fulfilling now felt like I was just going through the motions.

I wasn’t unhappy, but I wasn’t lit up either.

I also deeply yearned to be in a relationship. I craved that deep connection and love, but somehow, it just wasn’t happening. I thought it was bad luck or that I just hadn’t met the right person. 

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What I didn’t realize then was that I was the one getting in my own way. I had no idea that some of the very patterns I was holding onto—my need to please, my fear of rejection, my habit of overthinking—were the very things blocking me from the life and love I truly wanted.

Sound familiar?

It wasn’t until I discovered the power of Inner Child and Parts Work that everything started to make sense. The parts of me that felt stuck—the teacher who was scared to let go, the woman who thought she had to play small in relationships—weren’t the enemy. They were trying to protect me, but they needed healing, compassion, and understanding.


You have been stuck and resistant and unable to manifest your deepest desires for a very good reason… and it’s not what you’ve been taught.


Stuckness for you might look like: 

You’re in a relationship
that doesn’t feel aligned, and every time a small disagreement arises, instead of addressing it, you withdraw or appease, convincing yourself it’s not that bad—even though deep down, you’re craving more connection and fulfillment.

You scroll through social media and see other people in thriving relationships or businesses, and instead of feeling inspired, you’re filled with doubt, questioning why you’re not further along.

You get an idea for how to move your business forward, but as soon as you start planning, a familiar voice in your head tells you it’s too risky, and you talk yourself out of even trying.

You feel like you’re doing “okay” in life—not terrible, but not thriving either. You brush off the small nagging feeling that there’s more for you, telling yourself you should just be grateful for what you have.

You’re running a business but keep avoiding the big, bold moves that could lead to growth and exponential income, fearing failure or judgment, so you stick to safe, small steps that maintain the status quo.

You know there’s a change you need to make, whether in business, love, or life, but you keep waiting for the “perfect time” or a clear sign from the universe, and meanwhile, if nothing changes… nothing changes.

Up until now you’ve thought your stuckness was a matter of having conflicting thoughts, being confused, other people’s fears, or not feeling confident…

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Up until now you’ve thought your stuckness was a matter of having conflicting thoughts, being confused, trying to control an outcome, or not feeling confident…

Let’s be real, most times when we set out to make changes in our lives and want to create new habits, patterns, and mindsets, it fails because we don’t consider two things:


Inner Child and Parts Work is for you if you have ever struggled with the deep fear of not enoughness or shame of being who you truly are, which can look like:


People pleasing

Imposter syndrome

Feelings of anxiety 

Burnout & exhaustion


Patterns of suppressing and repressing emotions

Deep fear of getting it ‘wrong’

When you learn to address these patterns within your Internal Family System this healing is how you truly BECOME and LIVE as the glorious wonderous being you TRULY ARE. 


It’s nearly impossible to create your dream life when your inner child and network of protector parts are the things that stand in the way of manifesting your goals.


Lauren tapped into her soul's calling, left her miserable career, and now lives in alignment, working remotely on a beach, doing what she loves.

Jess was on the verge of divorce, feeling disconnected and unhappy in her marriage and she and her partner rebuilt their relationship with deeper connection and communication, creating a fulfilling and loving marriage.

Sarah reconnected with her deepest passions and realized she wanted to build a healing business that lights her up every day. 

Kay realized she was playing small in her business, so she made a bold decision to restructure her service and raise her prices. This shift not only doubled her revenue but also freed up more time in her schedule to focus on what truly lights her up.

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If you are like me and my clients…you've done all the personal development things - jumping up and down like Tony Robbins, listening to affirmations, setting boundaries with everyone in your life…

But you are still not able to tap into your fullest manifestation power.

The thing is -

You CAN do all those things - I love all those things!

But until you address the root cause of your internal resistance, then all of this is just a bandaid over a gaping wound.

Here's the REAL PROBLEM that none of those address...

There are multiple identities inside of you that are at war and they need an empowered internal leader that they can trust.

They need YOU to lead them.

Not your confused, overwhelmed, doubtful you…

The REAL you…who is clear, confident, and tenacious AF.

If these parts don’t feel led by YOU - they are here for the long term.

Guess what’s REALLY going on when you are overthinking and can’t make a decision?!

Your inner perfectionist, inner rebel, inner child, inner procrastinator, doubtful part, and hyper achiever…are all trying to tell you what to do, at the exact same time, and you have no clue who to listen to.

No wonder you feel overwhelmed! No wonder you feel stuck! You're being pulled in 10 different directions at once!

(Imagine if all 10 parts pull you in the same direction - you manifest your goals in the blink of an eye)

The problem is….

Up until now, your Parts have been running the show…

And they have been pulling you in a bunch of different directions (how exhausting!) – leading to, guess what?...Resistance and feeling stuck.

The blocks you have been trying to get past for years are movable by doing parts work.

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"I felt safe enough to take the leaps to start my business!"

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sat down for a little chat with your inner manager?...the part of you running around like a chicken trying to get everything done on time, in the right order, because if you don’t everything will crumble?

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asked your inner critic why they are such a b**** sometimes…reminding you that nothing you do is ever enough and you just wish it would just shut it already so you can have some peace?

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actually asked your inner procrastinator (lovingly) about how it’s trying to help you? You might be shocked at what you discover!

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These are just some of the wild conversations you get to have with your inner world with Internal Family Systems (IFS) and the guidance of a trained IFS practitioner.

So you can finally take your rightful place as the bold internal leader YOU need.

So you can make your impact on the world with that beautiful medicine in your heart.

So that you can FINALLY trust YOU.

And you can make confident, BOLD decisions as the empowered woman that you actually are.

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IFS is a powerful, evidence based, psychotherapeutic method for healing and personal growth.

IFS is based on the idea that the psyche consists of sub-personalities called Parts which make up a kind of inner system unique to each of us. When left to their own devices, parts often get into conflict with each other and act in dysfunctional ways in an attempt to protect us from pain.

IFS teaches us to relate to our parts with care, compassion and curiosity rather than judgment, allowing each part to reveal its hidden agenda and the pain behind it. When you unite all of your parts - your goals manifest rapidly.

So you can establish yourself as the bold internal leader your system of Parts needs.

This is exactly what you'll encounter in your IFS Coaching Experience...

In this 90-minute experience and the road map write up I do for you afterwards, you’ll discover how your unique inner system works, what sneaky parts are standing in your way, and how to update any aspects of you so you can make confident decisions rooted in self-trust.

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The IFS Coaching Experience is a deep-dive session where you discover inner clarity, resolve overthinking, see what’s really in your way, and learn how to work with the impulses that keep you from what you want to do with your life. With ME (Master Life Coach, IFS Practitioner, and fellow change-maker), Andrea Tessier.

You’ll uncover what’s really going on in your inner world and help your inner system feel seen, heard, and felt by you and unlock opportunities you didn't even know were waiting for you.


It's my pattern to start to panic when I get overextended or too busy. I had a very busy week coming up, and after our IFS session, the panic subsided. I was calm and confident as I made a plan and executed it. It feels like this pattern has shifted and I'm calmer and more in control.

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I have so many options I don’t know what to choose!

Why can’t I just decide already?

Why the heck am I still stuck here?

What am I not seeing?

I just need clarity!

How do I just break free from this annoying self-doubt already? I’m so over it!

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IFS Experiential Coaching is exactly what you need to move past resistance, soothe overthinking, and empower yourself with clarity, confidence, and alignment.

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  • If you have been in personal development for a while and have done all the training and coaching - you’ve done somatic work, mindset work, and you understand your trauma, attachment style, and human design - and still something is not shifting…
  • If you have so many ideas that you are paralyzed about what to follow through on, and desperately afraid to lose energy on the wrong thing...
  • If you have a huge mission in your heart to serve, and you know where you want to go and what you want to do, and still something is holding you back from your sacred purpose…

Hear this. No matter how much mindset work you do or how many abundance meditations you listen to, if your inner system doesn’t work, the outer world isn’t going to either.


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Let me first start with what is probably NOT going to happen in 90 minutes:

  • We’re probably not going to solve all of your problems in 90 minutes
  • I’m not going to ask for your whole life story or a list of your traumas
  • We aren’t going to stay at the level of analysis and mindset - you’ve probably already done a tone of that
  • We’re not going to go anywhere you don’t want to go or aren’t ready for
  • I’m certainly not going to SELL you anything - this is for you to fully experience this approach, because I want to see this work in the hands of more people who need it

Here’s what you WILL get when you sign up…

A 90-minute, deep-dive coaching call with me where you will experience the full potency of blending IFS with the accountability and action of life coaching.

  • You’ll see that you’ve had a 14-year-old part of you trying to run your business for years
  • You’ll have new solutions to that nagging issue with a team member you have been avoiding for months
  • You’ll finally understand that hyper-manager part that feels like it has to do everything before you can rest
  • You’ll understand that the perfectionism you’ve dealt with your whole life is actually quite tired and wants a break
  • You’ll see that your inner critic is just trying to help you succeed and you can update its job description

I will always be real with you. It would be reckless of me to promise you an exact outcome because you are unique and so is your system. And I will not take you anywhere it doesn’t feel safe to go.

But I DO know that after working with hundreds of people and doing this work for years myself that you’ll feel a deep sense of relief from the constant noise and being pulled in a bunch of different directions.

You’ll see exactly what is standing in your way of making bold decisions, and walk away with action steps to shift that.

After our session you will receive a really comprehensive write up of your goals, identified obstacles, and a plan for moving forward so you can feel confident in the steps you need to take for where you want to go in your journey.

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Let me first start with what is probably NOT going to happen in 90 minutes:

  • We’re probably not going to solve all of your problems in 90 minutes
  • I’m not going to ask for your whole life story or a list of your traumas
  • We aren’t going to stay at the level of analysis and mindset - you’ve probably already done a tone of that
  • We’re not going to go anywhere you don’t want to go or aren’t ready for
  • I’m certainly not going to SELL you anything - this is for you to fully experience this approach, because I want to see this work in the hands of more people who need it
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Here’s what you WILL get when you sign up…

A 90-minute, deep-dive coaching call with me where you will experience the full potency of blending IFS with the accountability and action of life coaching.

  • You’ll see that you’ve had a 14-year-old part of you trying to run your business for years
  • You’ll have new solutions to that nagging issue with a team member you have been avoiding for months
  • You’ll finally understand that hyper-manager part that feels like it has to do everything before you can rest
  • You’ll understand that the perfectionism you’ve dealt with your whole life is actually quite tired and wants a break
  • You’ll see that your inner critic is just trying to help you succeed and you can update its job description

I will always be real with you. It would be reckless of me to promise you an exact outcome because you are unique and so is your system. And I will not take you anywhere it doesn’t feel safe to go.

But I DO know that after working with hundreds of people and doing this work for years myself that you’ll feel a deep sense of relief from the constant noise and being pulled in a bunch of different directions.

You’ll see exactly what is standing in your way of making bold decisions, and walk away with action steps to shift that.

After our session you will receive a really comprehensive write up of your goals, identified obstacles, and a plan for moving forward so you can feel confident in the steps you need to take for where you want to go in your journey.

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✨ When you work on a deep subconscious level and heal from the inside out, you start to see big and small shifts in your external circumstances. (Think work, business, relationships, and your relationship with life itself.)

✨ When you know how you really work and can see perfectionism, people-pleasing, fear, worry, and doubt for what they REALLY are, they begin to loosen their grip on your choices (big and small).

✨ It becomes easier to make work or business decisions like what programs to offer, when to launch, and how to show up on social media or ask for the promotion you have been due for WAYYY too long.

✨ It becomes easier to face hard conversations that you've been avoiding with colleagues, your boss, or your partner.

✨ It becomes easier to experience more fun and joy within the work day and also to make guilt-free time for you.

✨ It begins to feel effortless to take courageous and aligned actions…like ending the ‘meh’ relationship, disconnecting for that 10-day meditation retreat you’ve been wanting to do for years, or saying NO to a pal when you really need a night off.

Basically, It becomes possible to
lead from your TRUE Self.

A self-led woman is captivating. She is inspiring. She leads with grace and ease. She knows what she wants and trusts herself to take the bold steps to make it happen.

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In this IFS Coaching Experience you’ll learn how to…

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Trust yourself

So that whatever direction you choose is right and correct for you.

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Stop second-guessing yourself

So you can ditch the doubt that creeps up when you listen to everyone else’s ideas and feel resolved in your own F-YES.

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Create new opportunities

So you can access creative problem-solving and new solutions. Usually when you only see two options there is at least one you haven’t considered yet.

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10x your confidence

So that you can hear your intuition, and show up authentically in every aspect of your life.

My healing has continued beyond the session!

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While I have all the letters behind my name…including an Advanced degree in Psychology, a M.Ed, training as a Master Coach with the best coaches in the industry in the Elementum Coaching Institute, and robust training with IFS institute…that’s not what I’m most proud of.

It’s my 20+ years of my own self-development and over 4 years working with healers, seekers, and change-makers. I’ve helped hundreds of people reclaim their confidence, courage, and empowerment as self-led healers of their own life.

I’ve seen the frustration when old patterns and habits ruin someone’s life and they feel like they have no control. I’ve seen inspiration squashed through self-doubt, and the most beautiful missions paralyzed because someone has been frozen when making a choice.

This breaks my heart.

I KNOW that the world is in need of a drastic change and it’s not going to be one single leader who saves us. It needs to be a grassroots uprising with each of us living our mission and purpose and sharing the medicine in our hearts…whatever that looks like. THAT is what I stand for.

IFS blended with coaching has been the single most powerful approach to creating sustainable changes in my life, from killing indecisiveness in my business to restoring my body image and truly loving with an open heart.

Even if you’ve been on a personal growth journey for years, I promise, there is something new and exciting for you to discover with this experience.

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You are more than the sum of your parts!

With the tools and insights gained from the IFS Coaching Experience, you'll be well-equipped to embrace your true radiance and create meaningful change in your life.

Spaces are limited, so don't hesitate to secure your spot today.

Your overthinking stops here, babe.

Book your call + a personal roadmap FOR ONLY $297

As someone who's been on a healing path for a decade now, I was blown away by the incredible insight I was expertly guided to with Andrea. We uncovered things that I could not comprehend with my daily-grind kind of mind. In just my first few sessions, I was given insight that is adding to my wholeness in beautiful ways. I felt relief. I got to know myself better. I was able to nurture myself in new ways that feel so supportive. If you are curious about this work with Andrea, I can 10/10 recommend. It's beautiful. It's gentle. She's compassionately skilled.

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Founder of The Juicy Good Life

Before coaching, I had a small taste of IFS and had already known a bit that we have parts within ourselves. During our time with IFS coaching, it has been a true game changer. It's like I had been in pain with an improperly healed break. Each session, I share what's coming up and we go into that part, set the break, and start properly healing that area together. The beautiful after effect is that with that work, the area is allowed to continue healing beyond the session.

I have seen such seismic changes in myself and others have commented that they see it too. I am loving IFS coaching with Andrea!

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I would still just be thinking about starting my coaching business and wouldn’t have taken any action steps due to fear and ‘what ifs’ that run through my head. She’s held the space I’ve needed to work through multiple unconscious limiting beliefs around guilt, money, judgment, and what others are going to think, and led me towards those scary edges that I’ve wanted to explore but was too afraid to on my own, and I felt safe enough to take the leaps to start my business!

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Life Coach

For the first time in years I feel like my 'old self' before adulting got too heavy and hard. Happy, joyful, optimistic, full of life. I've worked for years to try to bring that feeling back, and with you I feel like I've made progress.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for the work we did the other week. It's my pattern to start to panic when I get overextended or too busy. I had a very busy week coming up, and after our IFS session, the panic subsided. The next two weeks were equally bananas, if not more, and never once did I feel that panic rising. I was calm and confident as I made a plan and executed it. It feels like this pattern has shifted and I'm calmer and more in control. Thank you!

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If you have been feeling stuck, frozen, overwhelmed or frustrated with your life I HIGHLY recommend booking an IFS session with Andrea. She was a true professional and an absolute joy to work with. Not only that but she also provides a brilliant, thoughtful and beautifully written Road Map of your session that highlights your current situation, all the unique Self Parts that came up to be witnessed, her findings, suggestions and recommendations and some fantastic exercises that you can use to help you integrate the work you've just done with her.

The session itself, along with her post session recommendations, have made such a positive impact on my life and I'm already seeing a big difference in how I'm showing up for myself and in the world.

I no longer feel frozen and that is the biggest blessing I could have ever asked for!

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Intuitive Healer & Medium

I can’t say enough about my time with Andrea! She held such a loving and safe place for exploration. She challenged me in a non judgmental environment with different ways to explore all parts of me. I had some major breakthroughs that I never expected! I highly recommend working with Andrea if you really want to start making lasting change!

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 Life & Somatic Coach

I'm excited to share (and more deeply claim) a new sense of steadiness and sureness I feel in my whole body and mind. There's a more-rooted sense of knowing myself and my own physical and emotional needs, as my own love-led leader in our world. I experience less judgement and more curiosity on a growing and daily basis.

My decisions in my life and in my business are better, more informed, and truer to mySelf than they ever have been before. I am breathing more deeply and having more fun as well.
If I had known this before my work with Andrea started, I would have signed on with her faster.

Highly, highly (& wholeheartedly) recommended.

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Entrepreneur, Emergence Coach & Author

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