$250.00 USD

IFS Coaching Experience & Consult

Get crystal clear clarity and make aligned decisions that create greater impact and abundance!

Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up…

A 90 Minute deep dive coaching call with me where you will experience the full potency of blending evidence-based Internal Family Systems processes with the accountability and action of life coaching.

(Value $350)

  • You’ll see what is standing in your way and walk away with action steps to shift that. 
  • You’ll experience deeper self-knowledge and understanding and walk away feeling more empowered and compassionate. 
  • You’ll learn how to work with your own inner system and Parts and walk away with a full written road map to take your most aligned action. 


After our session you will receive a complete write up of your goals, identified obstacles and a plan for moving forward so you can feel confident in the steps you need to take for where you want to go in your journey.

(Value $200)

What People Are Saying:

She’s held the space I’ve needed to work through multiple unconscious limiting beliefs around guilt, money, judgment, and what others are going to think, and led me towards those scary edges that I’ve wanted to explore but was too afraid to on my own, and I felt safe enough to take the leaps to start my business!

Victoria Frace

The beautiful after effect is that with that work, the area is allowed to continue healing beyond the session. I have seen such seismic changes in myself and others have commented that they see it too. I am loving IFS coaching with Andrea!

Brieanne Allen

I was blown away by the incredible insight I was expertly guided to with Andrea. We uncovered things that I could not comprehend with my daily-grind kind of mind.

Sarah Stokes