For healers, seekers, and change-makers ready to break free from the internal obstacles in their way so they can finally feel inspired, embodied, and in flow with their mission and purpose.

Standing at a crossroads, unable to choose a direction… to empowered decision-making tailored to your energy, design, and lifestyle.
Stuck and stressed, longing for a path forward but unable to see a way out… to clearing away obstacles for an exciting, manageable, and strategic path forward that works for you.
That constant battle against your own inner critic, leaving you feeling small, inadequate, and uncertain… to being empowered, fully trusting your path and embracing faith in your capacity to navigate uncertainties.
Trapped in a cycle of hesitation and second-guessing, worrying that you are wasting your time… to reclaiming hours weekly for nurturing relationships, spiritual reflection, hobbies, and creative pursuits while honing your craft.
Taking one step forward and two steps back, hindered by doubts, fears, and old patterns that refuse to release their grip …to leveraging alignment and accelerating your growth through refinement and expansion (and seeing the external results to match!)
Tell me if this sounds like you...
- You’re going through the motions, feeling the need for change but unsure where to start. Your wheels are spinning as you sit at your desk, attempting to plan but lacking clarity on your next steps.
- You have done enough personal development work to know that you're the one in your own way. However, despite all the mindset work and tools in your toolbox, they're no longer as effective as they once were. Something's blocking your path, yet you're unsure what it is.
- You’re trying to keep your momentum with tasks that keep you occupied but there is a feeling that something isn’t quite right. It's like trying to spark a flame with damp matches, struggling to find the spark that ignites your passion and drives you forward.
- You're tirelessly applying strategies you never truly resonated with – tactics passed down by others because you believed they knew better.Yet, despite your efforts, you're feeling like you're spinning your wheels. You sense the need for a change, but the path forward remains elusive, leaving you in a state of uncertainty and yearning for clarity.
- You're at a pivotal moment, ready to liberate yourself from the suffocating cycles of shame and doubt that you have shoved down for years. You are soooo ready to shatter the lingering beliefs of unworthiness and limitations on what you can achieve and the purpose you are meant for.

Are you ready to...
- Step into a version of yourself where you have the clarity and confidence to navigate life's twists and turns with ease?
- Be liberated from the shackles of shame and doubt and embrace unwavering self-worth and belief in your limitless potential?
- Uncover the ways you've unknowingly hindered your own progress and unlock the tools and processes to break free from these self-imposed barriers?
- Embark on a truly compassionate journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where you'll gain invaluable insights into your patterns and behaviours and transform them?
- Manage your emotions and behaviours more effectively, with a plan for continued growth?
"As someone who's been on a healing path for a decade now, I was blown away by the incredible insight I was expertly guided to with Andrea. We uncovered things that I couldn't comprehend with my daily grind kind of mind. In just my first few sessions, I was given insights that added to my wholeness in beautiful ways. I felt relief. I got to know myself better. I was able to nurture myself in new ways that feel so supportive. If you are curious about this work with Andrea, I can 10/10 recommend. It's beautiful. It's gentle. She's compassionately skilled."

Founder of The Juicy Good Life

Imagine waking up every day feeling inspired, excited, and with clear direction in your work. Envision being deeply connected to your purpose, knowing exactly what needs to be done to make a meaningful impact.
Picture a path ahead that's unmistakably clear, where encounters with doubt, shame, and fear are rare. And when they do arise, you possess the courage and tools to swiftly navigate through them, returning to a life of service.
Imagine spending less time in resistance and confusion, and more time actively helping others, earning a living, and relishing life's pleasures. Visualize yourself as a magnetic force, effortlessly attracting aligned opportunities and like-minded individuals in business, work, and love.
This is the vision of your future, where clarity, confidence, and abundance are your birthright.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a powerful tool in our journey together, rooted in evidence-based psychotherapy. It helps us heal by delving into and nurturing our protective and wounded inner parts. IFS fosters both inner and outer harmony by guiding us to connect with our core Self, enabling us to comprehend and heal our various internal aspects that when left unchecked, play a larger role that we want them to.
In our work together, we'll harness the transformative potential of IFS, which views every individual as a complex system of protective and wounded inner Parts, all guided by a central Self.
We embrace the belief that the mind is inherently multifaceted, much like a diverse family unit. However, these inner Parts can sometimes become fragmented, assuming extreme roles within us (like the inner critic, perfectionist, hyper-manager, or people pleaser to name a few).

Yet, the Self remains unscathed—it holds the innate wisdom and capability to facilitate healing.
IFS offers profound insights into personal and intimate relationships, empowering us to embrace life embodying the 8 Cs: confidence, calmness, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness.
Through this approach, we embark on a journey of holistic growth, fostering deep inner healing and enriched interpersonal connections.
This program is a transformative journey, empowering healers, seekers, and change-makers to step into their roles as the empowered and embodied leaders of their lives.
Going beyond mere mindset training and accountability, we dive deep into subconscious work, uncovering and healing aspects of ourselves that require attention, updating, and harmonization.
By engaging with our internal system, we unlock sustainable changes in all areas of our lives, both in the short term and for the long term. This inner work is foundational to cultivating the relationships, businesses, work, and lives we truly desire. IFS is evidence based.
Evidence suggests that individuals who participate in personal development activities, such as introspection and self-awareness exercises, often report heightened levels of confidence, resilience, and satisfaction across multiple facets of their lives. This underscores the notion that investing in inner work and personal growth can yield profound and enduring benefits for individuals.
Internal Family Systems is listed as an evidence-based practice by the NREPP (National Registry for Evidence-Based Programs and Practices). A recent meta-analysis found that IFS effectively reduces symptoms of depression, as well as anxiety and trauma-related disorders. The study also found that IFS was more effective than traditional talk therapy in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
What you'll learn...
→ Understanding your internal system
→ Connecting with your somatic wisdom
→ Making aligned decisions and taking action
→ Healing challenging aspects of yourself
→ Cultivating self-compassion and grace
→ Embodying the 8 Cs: Confidence, Calmness, Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Clarity, Curiosity, Connectedness.
This is for you if…
- You’ve been doing the work for some time (and might even be supporting others with theirs) and you are seeking a new way to understand yourself and your experience
- You are so crystal clear on your life purpose, want to make a difference in the world, and have a huge mission in your heart that you would regret not getting into the world
- You are a personal development nerd and LOVE anything and everything to do with self-knowledge and inquiry
- You’ve struggled with self-doubt and analysis paralysis for years and you’re ready to make a change
- You’re hungry to finally see what is under the surface and understand what’s really going on

This is not for you if…
- You are afraid to get deep with the darkest parts of yourself
- You want a quick fix when sustainable change takes time
- You believe that external ego metrics (money, houses, relationships, or holidays) will be what brings you happiness and fulfillment
- You are looking outside of yourself for answers when there is a wealth of wisdom within you waiting to be uncovered

6 months of on-going support
An individualized process and plan for your unique path
Life changing processes, rituals, and practices tailored to your individual needs
90-minute intake session
60-minute Zoom sessions every 2 weeks
Individualized assignments and stretches
Ongoing support between sessions via text/email
* Each experience is uniquely tailored to YOU.
Plus these exclusive bonuses!

Bonus #1
Human Design Reading with a trained Human Design Reader (valued at $150)

Bonus #2
Personal Self-healing workbook (valued at $30)

Bonus #3
VIP seating at any workshop or events on offer during our time together
"I would still just be thinking about starting my coaching business and wouldn’t have taken any action steps due to the fear and ‘what ifs’ that run through my head. She’s held the space I’ve needed to work through multiple unconscious limiting beliefs around guilt, money, judgment, what others are going to think, and led me towards those scary edges that I’ve wanted to explore but was too afraid to on my own, and I felt safe enough to take the leaps to start my business!"

Life Coach

I’m not your average coach.
I think for those of us who are empathic and highly sensitive, the weight of the world can feel like a lot sometimes. But I don’t think anyone is going to come save us. The revolution required for mass change won’t be something that can be achieved by one leader.
There needs to be a revolution in how we live our lives.
What is required for a more loving and peaceful world is a shift in vibration. A raising of consciousness. In our own hearts and minds - one person at a time creating a ripple effect.
Changing at the micro level to impact the macro. Creating more love, peace, compassion in the part…and allowing that to impact the whole.
I am here to be a part of this. Making personal resolutions. Taking personal responsibility.
What I know to be true is that this must be a grassroots rising up. It will require the effort of each of us…but not pre-programmed and on autopilot, living out should’s or pleasing our way to the top. NO.
The healing for the planet will come from each of us, healing ourselves, liberating ourselves from limiting beliefs, raising our vibration and in turn touching others close to us and raising them up as well.
Here I am, humaning right alongside you, and endeavouring to empower those with a mission on their heart to get out of their own way and reclaim the life and impact that was placed in their soul.
I’ve trained in over 20+ modalities including somatics, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and energy work. I am committed to supporting seekers, healers, and change-makers in their pursuit of self-knowledge and healing. I blend the healing modality of IFS with the practical tools and accountability of life coaching so your mission, your vision, and your calling gets into the world.

Clear understanding and insight into your inner workings, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with confidence.

Tools and strategies to make aligned decisions swiftly and confidently, propelling you forward on your path.

A profound sense of inner power, empowering you to step into your fullest potential and lead with purpose.

Cultivation of self-trust, allowing you to confidently follow your intuition and trust in your capabilities.

Techniques to cultivate inner calmness amidst life's chaos, fostering resilience and well-being even in challenging situations.
Choose between 4-month or 6-month options
Apply to work with Andrea
"Before coaching, I had a small taste of IFS and had already known a bit that we have Parts within ourselves. During our time with IFS coaching, it has been a true game changer. It's like I had been in pain with an improperly healed break. Each session, I shared what was coming up and we got into that Part, set the break, and started properly healing that area together. The beautiful after effect is that the area is allowed to continue healing beyond the session.
I have seen such seismic changes in myself, and others have commented that they see it too. I am loving IFS coaching with Andrea!"


What happens after I apply?
Will this always be available?
How do we schedule our calls?
Can’t I just learn this in a book?
What kind of support will I get in this program?
What are the payment options?
What is the refund policy?
What’s the difference between this course and Safe to Rise?
What do I need to do/be/have before I join?

If you want something different...
It's time to choose a different path and a different way of being.
Apply now
You have changed my life. I was in a dark, deep pit of an emotional spiral that no matter what I tried, I could not claw my way out. You have helped me to not only recognize when the slide to the pit begins, but how to stop it and turn it around. You've been a beacon of light in my darkness.

I feel lighter and overall better. I didn't really expect to feel this way. I expected to feel better but not changed. I can celebrate my wins and recognize areas to work on to better my life rather than trying to do things that I think might make me a better wife, mother, teacher.

I am calmer and more able to deal with things when they arise. I have started to not try to solve everyone's problems because they aren't my problems. I am more keenly aware of my window of tolerance and can tell when I reach my threshold. I practice self-care on a much more regular basis.