Self-Care Excuses Debunked!


Crippling teacher burnout abruptly ended my teaching career in the classroom. A year and a half of pushing, grinding, doing ‘what I was supposed to’ got me nowhere but deeper in a dark hole. I believe that this is the next ‘pandemic’ for educators. The signs and symptoms are all there. The question remains if we are ready to do something about it before it’s too late. 


For decades I relied heavily on perfectionist tendencies, blaming others and...

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Anxious about school this year?...The answer isn't what you think!

Anxious about school this year? 


Most educators are. 


In a survey I recently conducted with my community of educators around the world - almost all of them said they were present to feelings of anxiety, apprehension, concern, nervousness, scared, uneasiness, worry and dread. 


Whether you fear for your personal safety, are not feeling recharged after the summer, or are unsure how you will cope for the long term pouring from an empty cup, most teachers are...

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Does Uncertainty have to be Stressful?

"It is how we embrace the uncertainty of our lives that leads to the great transformation of our souls." - Brandon A Pear


There are many reasons why teachers need certainty. We juggle a lot in a day, stakes are high in our work and we want to be able to have a really solid baseline so that when the unexpected comes up we can manage it all. We also have a human need to make sure we are secure and safe and can provide for ourselves and our family. 


When we are uncomfortable...

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Are you making this common mistake this summer?

Whether you have realized it or not, the last few months of teaching have taken a serious toll on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Too much over a long period of time leads to stress. And mental exhaustion can happen to anyone who experiences long-term stress...including anyone who was thrown into distance learning without time to adapt properly, learned on the fly and didn’t have the strategies and support in place to cope. 


By immediately pivoting and jumping...

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Managing Mental Exhaustion in the Virtual Classroom

"Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and ultimately happy life."

- Mark Groves


It only takes a moment to look around and see the multitude of changes that have taken place in our worlds in a very short time. I have adapted who I allow into my physical space, I have new behaviours when I walk down the street and and...

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Navigating Life: The Purpose-Driven Educator


“He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.” — Nietzsche



Do you feel stuck, unmotivated, uninspired? 

Do you question your role and purpose in life?

Do you often wonder if you are destined to do great things but aren’t clear on what they are?


Many of us sail blindly through life assuming at various points that we have reached our destination. People say they search for happiness - which seems to always be around the...

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What is Really at Stake When We Lack Boundaries

Ready for the secret to a long, healthy and joyous teaching career?  


My 13 year teaching career felt like it came to an abrupt end after I endured a crippling burnout which left me angry, avoidant and anxious. After time, space, nurturing and healing from the inside out I was brave enough to look back to see if there were any early warning signs. Was it really just one school and one role that left me on my knees or was there something deeper I had overlooked? 



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A Perfectionist's Guide to Thrive

Hi, I’m Andrea and I’m a recovering perfectionist. 


I remember wearing it as a badge of honour going for interviews when I was much younger and striving for perfection still seemed like a great idea. The interviewer would ask the question about weaknesses and I’d say it almost proudly - like I had figured out the best answer possible to this question. I’m a perfectionist. 

Perfectionism shows up a lot in the world of teachers. We see it in our students...

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Save Time, Beat Burn out, Find Freedom

Teaching is one of those professions that can provide us with such a sense of purpose and fulfilment but it often comes with a price.  Many teachers quietly struggle with serious stress, anxiety and are simply exhausted. The demands of the job are overwhelming and it leaves them with little time to actually enjoy life. 


Time is above and beyond the biggest resource and challenge for teachers. There never seems to be enough of it both at work and at home.  



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Managing Uncertainty, Anxiety and Emotions during the COVID19 Crisis

Managing Uncertainty, Anxiety and Emotions during the COVID19 Crisis


To put it mildly, these are interesting times, If you are anything like me, your emotions have been on a pendulum during this global pandemic. I have moments of gratitude, compassion and ease. Gratitude for my health, safety, friends and family. Compassion for the frontline workers and people losing loved ones. I feel ease with time to myself, for the quiet for the time to find stillness. And on the other end of the...

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