Achieving the Elusive ‘Balance’ in Teacher Life

Our goal in life is not to become perfect, our goal in life is to become whole.  - Bernie Clark 


What does it feel like to be in balance?

What does it feel like to be out of balance?


A common experience for teachers is the overwhelm, anxiety, and stress that comes from being out of balance, when the expectations placed upon the role of the teacher are too much. When the nervous system reacts with a stress response. While this has been like this for a long time,  it is especially true now. 


In my experience, this comes from a myriad of stressors - admin, dysfunctional educational systems, parents, students and often ourselves and our own expectations of what should and shouldn’t be able to handle. Feeling out of balance feels like a struggle, paddling upstream.


Most teachers desire more time for themselves and their family - more balance in how they spend their time and energy, yet aren’t quite sure how to manage it all. 


In yin/yang theory, harmony and health are created when yin and yang are in balance. The yin side is soft, relaxed and nurturing. The yang is productive, focussed and action oriented. We need the duality, we thrive on it!  We need some amount of stress in our life, some amount of stress is actually good for us and makes us better and stronger. 


Problems arise when it gets to be too much. When everything feels out of whack, when the swings of the pendulum become too drastic in one direction. 


There are many opportunities to adjust along the way, many signs that go unnoticed. The problem is we don’t listen to the subtler signs. We aren’t attuned to the subtler signs. We are stuck in habits, thought patterns, the proverbial hamster wheel that keeps us in autopilot, doing the same things we have always done. 


This is when the universe steps in - a migraine, a panic attack, burnout, loss of a relationship, or worse! 


Why is it that we must push ourselves so far off our centre before we listen?

What is the secret to finding the sweet spot of balance? 


In my opinion - we need to check in with ourselves more often and more honestly. 


You don’t have to go too far to feel being off centre. Here are some ways to begin to attune to the subtle signs of your body and find that place of harmony. Turn off the autopilot and tune in. 


How to do a regular check in:

(this should be done weekly or more often in times of stress)


  1. Find a quiet place to sit or lay down away from distractions
  2. Place a hand on your heart and and hand on your belly and take some deep belly breaths
  3. Attune to the subtle sign in your physical body: what sensations are in there, what happens to the breath.
  4. Notice the thoughts you are having most often. The quality, the type, and how they make you feel
  5. Notice what emotions are present. Don’t judge the emotion or shame it away. Simply notice it is there. 
  6. Notice your energy, the quality, the texture. Maybe even notice energy pulsing in your body. 
  7. Ask yourself: Do I need to adjust? Where in my life right now can I set a boundary to redirect my energy to bring me back into harmony? 
  8. Restore balance, rebalance and return to wholeness and ease by implementing a boundary, some self care, or offering your body what it needs. 


Harmony and balance comes from the wisdom of attuning to the subtle signs your body is telling you and respecting its requests. 


How might you invite this process into your day or week to create more harmony in your life? 


If was when I stopped searching for home within others

And lifted the foundations of home within myself

I found there were no roots more intimate

Than those between a mind and a body

That decided to be whole

-Rupi Kaur

If more balance in your work and home life is something you want and aren’t sure quite how to make it happen...I do free 30 minute clarity calls to give you some specific strategies to implement right away. Book yours in here.


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