Achieving the Elusive โ€˜Balanceโ€™ in Teacher Life

Our goal in life is not to become perfect, our goal in life is to become whole.  - Bernie Clark 


What does it feel like to be in balance?

What does it feel like to be out of balance?


A common experience for teachers is the overwhelm, anxiety, and stress that comes from being out of balance, when the expectations placed upon the role of the teacher are too much. When the nervous system reacts with a stress response. While this has been like this for a long time, ...

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6 Burnout Risk Factors You Didn't Know About...

I only began to see my burnout when I began my journey of healing. It was with a step back I could see all the symptoms and signs.  I began to rely on some old faithful coping mechanisms I had learned early on as a way to self-protect. By understanding my own conditioning and accepting it, I began to heal.


I’ve been thinking a lot about my teacher burnout recently. I am seeing teachers head back to work already anxious, already tired and really afraid. There are risk...

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