Want to feel better? Accept the Unacceptable.

How do I accept the unacceptable?

How do I deal with what I can not change?

How do I feel better when everything feels so hard? 


There has been a common thread when I speak with teachers lately, most teachers, in one way or another, are highly frustrated, stressed and in resistance to the current state of education.

There are too many circumstances that feel unfair or just plain wrong in education today. Some of those issues are systematic (think: class sizes, paying out...

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Self-Care Excuses Debunked!


Crippling teacher burnout abruptly ended my teaching career in the classroom. A year and a half of pushing, grinding, doing ‘what I was supposed to’ got me nowhere but deeper in a dark hole. I believe that this is the next ‘pandemic’ for educators. The signs and symptoms are all there. The question remains if we are ready to do something about it before it’s too late. 


For decades I relied heavily on perfectionist tendencies, blaming others and...

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Anxious about school this year?...The answer isn't what you think!

Anxious about school this year? 


Most educators are. 


In a survey I recently conducted with my community of educators around the world - almost all of them said they were present to feelings of anxiety, apprehension, concern, nervousness, scared, uneasiness, worry and dread. 


Whether you fear for your personal safety, are not feeling recharged after the summer, or are unsure how you will cope for the long term pouring from an empty cup, most teachers are...

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