The Dark Cave of Personal Growth

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2020

I stowed away in the dark cave of personal growth for a LONG time not all that long ago. Each time I came up for air I was gently coaxed back to dig a little deeper. So in the face of a global pandemic and being urged to hermit, go within, retreat, I returned to this inner world of introspection. Like most, at first I was reluctant with my attachment to my routines and people I love, the idea of forced social isolation made me so sad. Disconnected. 


In my study of yoga Santosha is the Niyama or personal practice, associated with contentment. Radical acceptance of what is. Since there is absolutely nothing I can do about this situation how might I reframe it in my mind from one that brings me sadness and grief to something more hopeful? And I’m reminded of what happens when one goes within.


Isolation is a perfect opportunity for connection of another kind. The connection to one’s self; greater self awareness, self-knowledge and self-compassion. These times are invitations to recalibrate and reconnect with aspects of the self we have lost touch with in the hustle, routine and distractions of everyday life. These times, away from the other, one is free to be themselves. 


I know wholeheartedly what happens when one invests in the self. The body and mind have time to rest, heal and digest. Stillness is a great teacher. You prepare for the next chapter. You emerge with new insights, greater love and a profound sense of purpose. You resurface as a more expanded, connected version of yourself. And this is just on a single scale. What we are creating here and now as a collective is infinitely powerful. 


Collectively we belong to something really huge. Cosmic in fact. There is a gorgeous opportunity right now for the infusion of new energy to rise up. This gives me hope. There is light at the end. I see it and I want to share it with you. 


This is temporary and a gift if we allow it to be. One day at a time, invest in this time for you. Reflect. What can you honour in this time of withdrawal? What are you clinging to tightly? What can be let go? 


Want to chat more about how to thrive in these trying times? Book a clarity call with me. I've got you. 


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