My Healing Journey

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2020

It’s not pretty, that’s for sure. 


The person you see now is confident, content and accepting. 


But it wasn’t always this way, Maybe it looked this way. I had perfected that. 


For me, this didn’t even begin because I hated my teaching job. I just wanted to HAVE a boyfriend! To be in a relationship. I thought if I could just find that love and connection then everything else would be certain, I would be significant, my life could begin. 


I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working? I thought I had it all figured out. That was it. I was trying to figure it out. 


I began by intellectually wrapping my head around what was happening….lack of boundaries, attachment style, self worth. I filled my ears with podcasts, my social media with inspiring posts and my bedside table with all the books. And every-time I set out to find this ideal partner, every single message seemed to return to me to myself. What the actual fuck?! 


It became painfully clear that I had to look. I had to feel. I had to surrender. 


So every task in every self help book book, I did it. Every podcast I listened to, I journaled. I reached out for guidance from tarot, psychics and beyond. I got really good at knowing all the stuff. It became a full time job. 


Enter Megan. My coach, my teacher, my cheerleader and guide. Megan taught me how to feel. Even though I knew so much already. I hadn’t mastered it emotionally. And this, my friends, is where the good stuff lies. Over time, patience and presence, I saw my ugly thoughts for what they were. I saw old wounds and how the choices I continued to make turned into unconscious, unhelpful patterns. And rather than hating them, shaming them, telling them to go away, I just looked at them. There you are. You exist. I see you.  


The hardest thing for me was simply to look. Beyond this safe perfectionist veil I created as a small child was hurt and pain and fear and confusion. And I felt it all in my body. Seeing it, acknowledging it is 95% of the battle. So I took time to rest, heal and digest it all. Allowing my parasympathetic nervous system to do it’s work, maybe for the first time. 


The thing of it is I came to realize, you can only go as deep with another as you have with yourself. My desire for love and connection was actually a deep rooted need for significance and certainty. My authenticity was masked by perfectionism. The quality of connections I had with others went only as deep as I was. The answers were not in the plans, the perfection and the doing.


And over many many months, Integrating through yoga and committing every single day to this process, I am. And the best part; my self-worth does not rest in my relationship status. It doesn’t rest in my role as a teacher either.  


And if you think you might be interested in diving deep with me. Let’s get started. I’ve got you. 



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