Does Uncertainty have to be Stressful?

"It is how we embrace the uncertainty of our lives that leads to the great transformation of our souls." - Brandon A Pear


There are many reasons why teachers need certainty. We juggle a lot in a day, stakes are high in our work and we want to be able to have a really solid baseline so that when the unexpected comes up we can manage it all. We also have a human need to make sure we are secure and safe and can provide for ourselves and our family. 


When we are uncomfortable with change and uncertainty we seek excessive reassurance, make lists, procrastinate or avoid. We distract ourselves or we worry, we predict and imagine the worst.  


Sound familiar?


We want to know when we are afraid. We want to control when we are fearful.


You work really hard to build a comfortable existence and don’t like to be caught off guard. 


Change can feel really uncomfortable. It feels like what you once knew changes shape and your world twists in front of your eyes. You look around for your ‘reality’ and find yourself grasping for what you thought you knew as the once stable ground opens up. 


It’s a human need to have security and certainty. But when this drives us or takes the leading role in our decision making, it also keeps us small. 


The fact is: uncertainty is what is. Certainty has always been an illusion.

To live this human life means to not know.  


Befriending Uncertainty


Can you step out of the turmoil, stories and limiting beliefs in your mind?  

Can you release grasp on old and familiar? 

Because resisting is futile. Resisting is what traps us. 


I don’t know if you’ve had the pleasure of floating in a tube down a gently flowing and meandering river. I have driven miles and miles to jump in a tube and allow the watery pathway to steer me. Sitting in the floating tube, warmed by the sun and cooled by the flowing water below. It always strikes me that the water always knows exactly where to take me. If a branch breaks into the water along the shore or a rock juts out from below - the water knows where to go. 


Time and time again I have tried to avoid these potentially harmful obstacles by frantically kicking and thrashing to move out of the way. Every single time, I end up in a worse spot. By trying to control the water I end up beached on rocks, stuck in a bush or totally spun around. So I’ve learned after countless attempts to control my direction in it to let go. I still see the same rocks ahead, I still witness potential dangers. But rather than thrashing about - I sit still. The river knows. I allow the water to carry me. With her as my powerful guide I seamlessly float around those dangerous obstacles. 


The river has taught me to see the beauty in this unfamiliar place. To trust what comes. 


I am learning that this is what helps me in times of uncertainty. Yes,  I could choose to see it as terrifying. But I know that I can’t see the gift in what I resist. 


“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our own light.” — Brené Brown


May I remind you; you came here to experience life, not avoid it. 


When you notice the eye roll of judgement, the clenched fists of frustration, the warming sensations of anger in your chest. I wonder if you could stop. Notice the unhelpful and limiting beliefs running amok in your mind. And rather, look with creativity and renewed outlook for life. 


This is the moment to choose differently. This is the moment you create your future. You take responsibility for what appears next because you choose how you want to receive it. Now is the time to create all you long for. The time to create the most beautiful existence you are worthy of starts now. 


Feed yourself with more love

Choice comes when change comes

Choose to love

Choose joy

Choose curiosity 

Choose hope


Embracing life means embracing uncertainty.  Take this moment to choose more love, more light, more hope, Enjoy the discovery. Be the one to light the way into the darkness.  


There is a lot we don’t know about the upcoming school year and maybe school to come. But there is a lot we do know as well. 

We know how to connect deeply with our students

We know how to create safe places for students to learn and be heard

We know that relationships are the cornerstone for great communities 

We know that we don’t have to know everything in order to be great teachers


Ask yourself: 


  • How can I BE the teacher my students need?
  • How can I ground myself? 
  • Where can I find joy in this situation?
  • What is the opportunity here?
  • Reflect on a time when you met an unprecedented and unpredictable change and how you grew and learned not in spite of it but because of it
  • How might I use this time to become the teacher who will navigate uncertainty with my students and show them that it's going to be okay?


Becoming more comfortable with Change and Uncertainty:

  1. Develop a mindfulness practice. Meditation allows us to be in the present moment rather than stuck in the past or worried about the future.
  2. Develop self-trust. When you are compassionate and loving with yourself you know without a doubt that you have your own back, will be able to handle what comes your way and you act in integrity (for yourself and for your students) 
  3. Acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings. Name them. Connect to how they feel in your body and get curious about them. Control hints that fear is present. Sooth the fear. 
  4. Choose a new belief. Limiting beliefs keep us small. Identify what limiting beliefs drive your fear. Choose what feels better to believe and make it your mantra or affirmation. 
  5. Know that this too is temporary

I see hope here. I see an opportunity for teachers to get the respect they deserve. I see opportunity for systematic change that better supports you and your students. You can be excited or you can be fearful, and I am excited. For this change has been a long time coming.  


Your students need you, your school needs you, we need you. 


And I am here for you if you need support with any of the steps listed above. 


“If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity.” — Eckhart Tolle


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