Discover a 15 Minute De-Stress Routine for Teachers

To Unwind After School

 Without Adding More to an Overflowing Plate! 
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Hi! I'm Andrea! 

After suffering my own teacher burnout which devastated my career and healing from it...I help teachers prevent and heal from theirs. When I was deep in my burnout I was too tired after school to make anytime for myself and my loved ones. This 15 minute de-stress routine was a huge part of my journey back to more time, energy and feeling life myself again. It's the routine teacher needs after the school day to help switch hats and unwind! 

I am a Master Educator turned Life Coach for teachers. As the founder of Conscious Classrooms - a wellness coaching business that supports educators around the world,  I help teachers overcome burnout and overwhelm and fall back in love with teaching so they can experience freedom and make an impact that inspires others and changes lives. I am wholeheartedly dedicated to working with teachers and helping them heal themselves so that they can find joy in their classrooms and in their lives. Informed by 13 years in the classroom, certification as an Elementum Master Life Coach and my own deep dive into personal inquiry I support educators on their journey to heal, love and rediscover their passion.